Sarfraz Ahmed Bhatti : January 1973 was when we first met, among the new entrants to the Department of Physics, University of Islamabad (renamed Quaid-i-Azam University). Those were amazing two years. The class started with 60 of us in the first semester. We were down to 30 in the second, 13 in the third and 7 graduated within the regular four semester period. Out of the 7, 6 of us went on to complete a Ph.D. degree!
Sarfraz Ahmed Bhatti : January 1973 was when we first met, among the new entrants to the Department of Physics, University of Islamabad (renamed Quaid-i-Azam University). Those were amazing two years. The class started with 60 of us in the first semester. We were down to 30 in the second, 13 in the third and 7 graduated within the regular four semester period. Out of the 7, 6 of us went on to complete a Ph.D. degree!
Faheemullah Hussain : A person of charm, wit and convictions. Known all over the university campus as Sufi sahib of Physics and approachable to any one, he has been missed.
Faheemullah Hussain : A person of charm, wit and convictions. Known all over the university campus as Sufi sahib of Physics and approachable to any one, he has been missed.
Professor Riazuddin : A soft spoken gentle, humble and kind man - a giant of Physics. It remains a privilege to have known and learned from him.
Professor Riazuddin : A soft spoken gentle, humble and kind man - a giant of Physics. It remains a privilege to have known and learned from him.
Majeed Irfan: Majeed came to the then University of Islamabad in August 1973. His eatery survives him just across the main road to the Quaid-i-Azam University. Generations of my fellow alumni have known him. Faculty, staff, students and laborers have been served at his khokha. My memories of the gentle soul.
Professor Arif-uz-Zaman : Everyone at the Department loved him. He made each one of us so much better.
Professor Arif-uz-Zaman : Everyone at the Department loved him. He made each one of us so much better.